There is no such thing as....
There is no such thing as emo...
There is such thing as overly depressed...
There is no such thing as Eve and Adam
There is such a thing as Mother and Father
There is no such thing as nauseating...
There is such a thing as sick
There is no such thing as love
There is such a thing as close relationship
There is no such thing as a liar
There is such a thing as credibility
There is no such thing as nerd
There is such a thing as incredibly smart
There is no such thing as bully
There is such a thing as being very dangerous
There is no such thing as deaths
There is such a thing as anniversaries
There is no such thing called right or wrong
There is such a thing called no answer at all
There is no such a thing called names
There is such a thing called titles
There is no such a thing called words
If there is no such a thing called words…. then what’s all this?
This is made up out of boredom and for entertainment. Please do not overreact. Thanks~ ©