I'm Having a Fight With Myself. No, Not literally, that would look weird
Get off Ficlets
What? Why would I do a thing like that?
You have homework, missy
Not that much. Just a little math, I can do it at lunch
Not that much? All that math, way more than you could do in the 5 minutes you actually get around to doing homework at lunch
Oh look! Comments!
and the english projects
new sequel in this series! finally!
the history report, worksheet, the science experiment and final draft
Hello, I’m trying to read here
You have been ever since you got home from dance! You ate dinner in front of the computer! Do you realize how sad that is? You’re gonna end up pulling an all-nighter again
It’s only 10:30! I have four more hours before I need to go to bed
And you wonder why people worry about you
Oh that’s low
No seriously, did you not here your friends? They were being serious you know
Yeah I know. I was there. Now, be quiet so I can finish writing this ficlet!
Ugh, pathetic, she doesn’t even listen to me! Now what do you think about this?