
A Fleeting Attempt at Self-Reflection [Conversation With Yourself Challenge]

A proposition. How does that sound to you?

Depends on the circumstances. Speak.

You’re far too guarded, dear.

So are you, kid. That’s the way it works. Continue, you had a proposition.

Right. So, anyway. I propose that we stop… standing in our own way, you know?

That we make a genuine attempt to be happy and stop worrying so much and sabotaging everything in the act of doing so?

Ah, yes. That’s what I mean. I think it would be the best for the both of us. Or one of us. Whatever.

In that case, I agree. We must stop, or we won’t get anywhere. It’s moderately tragic, really.

You and me, agreeing. Fascinating, I like it. So what do you think of this?

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