
The Soup Incident

Ping! The microwave stopped spinning. Ash pulled open the door and removed her crappy soup container from the splattered interior with a shudder. She used her elbow to push the door shut, then she picked up a spoon and headed for the door whilst daydreaming. She was already thinking of her 3pm snack break and imagining the delicious chocolatey goodness that awaited her. Mmm. Chocolate.

So lost was she in her calorie-laden thoughts, that Ash failed to notice the two people standing by the water cooler…

“Ash! Hello!”

She stopped dead still and boiling hot minestrone spilled onto her fingers and left ugly red spots on her shirt. Fuck!

“Rob…” She tried to smile. He raised an eyebrow. Gary, the annoying guy from Accounts, finished filling his cup and patted Rob on the shoulder as he motored off into the distance.

Ash suddenly had a headache.

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