Escape(s) To Victory Challenge
Yay, time for another weird challenge!
The idea is, you sequel this with a ficlet about being locked in a room (1st,/2cnd/3rd/whatever person). As you describe the room you have to lay clues for the person sequelling your ficlet to escape from the room.
It’s going to be all about balance, you have to be subtle so it’s actually a challenge to work out , but not so obscure that no one works it out and still make it story like.
Imagine you’re writing a murder mystery, you want to pepper clues throughout the story and still have the ending be a surprise whilst giving people the tools to work out whodunit.
I’m imagining the best entrants will be ones which you read and go away and think about for a bit before finding the solution.
By all means have multiple sequels guessing at different methods of escape, if you’re feeling skillful you could try and escape and set another puzzle all in one ficlet.
I’m interested to see how this goes. I’m going to join in as well, as there’s no real winning/losing.