
Seven Day Journal: Day 5 (Keegan)

Okay, today was…well…anyway just read.

Day 5 April 3 2008 Time: 6:26 PM

So, today, I’ve realized many things. The fact that I have now figured out how to actually do my Math mini project, that I have to bring $35 to go to a concert next Saturday (I always kept forgetting), that somehow I reminded my friend to poke my other friend (You seemed mad sorry, I didn’t know I was doing that), how to bunt in softball, and yeah that’s it.

Bunting is weird, you are barely holding on to the bat when you do it.

Okay, oh and I thought of a new Bible extra credit idea which I think she’ll let me do…so I don’t have to do a book report. YAY !

Okay, Day 5 done, yep. Bye Bye…

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