Past Memories?
Time passes, memories fade,
But time cannot change the past,
Though the past may change the future.
Perspectives may change,
Thoughts may wander.
Dreams become real,
Real becomes danger.
Once danger sets free, anything happens.
As the world strikes midnight,
Dark, powerful minds
Are set to work.
Hold on to your hope,
Capture your love,
Let faith lead you through,
To triumph.
Remember all times,
So you can recreate the good,
Yet destroy the bad.
Keep books,
Keep Journals,
Keep Family and Friends.
Make laughter our life,
And hatred come down to its end.
Darkness is power,
Darkness is strong.
It is to be true,
Some peoples’ choices are very, very wrong.
People scared,
More people at war.
How were they to trust,
Who would walk through that door?
Gas chambers,
Cruelty such as,
Flew over the nation.
When few were set free,
With no where to go,
But maybe America,
To start a new life,
And find a new home.