
I am Emo II

Math is so damn boring.The teacher begins to yell at Jesse’s girlfriend for rolling her eyes at him. I watch Jesse, seeing him flick his hair to the side of his face so she can’t see him smile. Disgusting. If he hates her that much why doesn’t he just dump her?
And what’s with the hair? Is he trying to be emo or something?Your a jock genius. Act like it.
As I continue to watch him I see his smile fade; in fact, he looks guilty. He sees me watching him and suddenly blushes, turning away.
The bell rings and he rushes from the room, way too fast. His girlfriend looks after him, nonplussed. I smile at her stupidity. Hey, I’m not her girlfriend, I can laugh all I want.She turns uncertainly to the teacher to collect her detention slip and hurries after Jesse, trying to catch up.
I wish her luck.

I walk down the halls and watch people look at me like I’m some kind of freak.Maybe I am. I don’t really know.I don’t care. I see Jesse, laughing like nothings wrong with the world.He’s wrong.
He is so damn wrong.

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