
Tap tap three

It sat on the edge of the desk, waiting. It tried to be patient, and when that didn’t seem too different from what it was already doing, it tried to be impatient. That pretty much felt the same.

What it really wanted was to get plugged into something and gulp down some nice ones and zeros. AACs or MP3s would be fine, but it really had a carefully-encrypted ambition. It hoped that maybe, just maybe, it had been purchased by one of those geek kids it had heard about, who maybe would take it to computer stores to plug it into display computers to surreptitiously download software: games, of course, but maybe even a brand new OS to be cracked and uploaded to a warez site. The outlaw life, yeah!

But it had a bad feeling that its ambition had been thwarted by Fate. The human who’d fumbled with its package seemed a bit clueless, and spent fifteen minutes trying to put the wrong USB end into its data port.

But the human was coming back with another human in tow. Maybe this one would be a 133t haxx0r. Maybe.

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