story 3
“Who are you?”, she had asked in a calm manner.
Josh had been surprised with that, as his heart was racing a million miles a minute, scared at any moment that she might call for help and have him arrested.
“Josh”, he said, “Who are you?”.
“Susan Abernathy the third”, was the result, with a decided toss to her red curls.
“Why don’t you play with us?”, she continued.
Josh could find nothing else to say, frightened beyond words now and ran into the forest. A few meters in, he stopped and quietly listened to see if she would raise an alarm. All he saw was the top of her head as she stood, searching for the person who had been there only moments before. He turned, continuing his trek back to his home.
The meeting had tripped something in his mind though and, after several days of trying to ignore it, he heeded the desire for playmates and friends and crept back without his parent’s permission to the playground by the towers.
Peeking out from behind the bush, he spied the girl again.