

Hal straightened his collar in the mirror and felt his stomach sink. In 19 minutes exactly, his happy easy lifestyle was going to disappear.
No more hanging out with the guys at Barnaby’s.
No more lazy days, skipping Navigation classes to catch old movies on the Scanset.
No more ignoring his parents for weeks and weeks…

As if privy to his internal monologue, the room com sounded. “Incoming message” the robotic voice announced. And then, his mother’s voice: “Hal. We’re waiting for you out the front of the hall. I hope you’re wearing a nice clean suit, we’d be very disappointed if you didn’t make an effort…”

The message promised to drone on, but Hal had had enough. “End” He said loudly. And then there was silence.

For about the tenth time that morning, Hal wished today wasn’t Graduation Day. He also wished that a shower of asteroids would rain down on Great Harper Hall, sending shrieking parents running in every direction. Anything to stop time for just a little while…

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