Story 8
Things got more difficult as she got closer to 10, the age of teaching. Josh’s father had found out about their friendship and told him about this, as his father had been the one who created the machines.
Justin Marton was one of the bright lights of an earlier era. He had created many helpful machines for society, machines which were able to be directed by human minds though electro-chemical connections in the cortex.
The machines were harbingers of a new era and it wasn’t long before Justin had expanded this capability in the other direction, allowing machines to enter the human mind to access parts of the mind that for some (the mentally challenged or brain-damaged) were inaccessible. Many people were able to re-gain lives lost due to accident or birth and he was lauded as one of the great minds of the 28th century.
The transition from medical miracles to scholastic achievement was only a hop and a skip from there, but then politics entered on the scene.