
An Encounter With Disconcert

Ryan fell to his knees, overcome by nausea and flashes. The world seemed to tilt around him.

A small man with somber features and dark hair stood by Emily, grinning.

Migraine, as he was known by the team, had a psionic ability that allowed him to cause sensory hallucinations in his victims. He also had a penchant for taking advantage of his victims’ disorientation with more straightforward forms of attack.

Ryan hissed in frustration as he reached for his pistol. If the world stops spinning, I could take him out. But no such luck. Ryan felt a flash of pain as Mr. Migraine kicked him sharply in the side.

Ryan couldn’t see where Patrick had gone, hopefully he had gotten away from Migraine and Emily before the hallucinations could hit him.

As the world seemed to swirl around him, Ryan saw Mr. Migraine again, this time with a drawn blade. This isn’t good.

Suddenly the world went dark. Ryan lost control of his stomach and threw up. He heard Migraine arguing with someone else, someone that wasn’t Emily.

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