
Later That Day

After lunch they resume thier journey down the highway. They are making thier way to the ski lodge. Still some two hundred miles to go. Martin is now in the drivers seat, allowing Danielle to take a nap.

Martin keeps the music to a low volume, allowing it not to disturb Danielle. He switches the cd off and searches the radio for any soft soothing stations. Some easy listening might keep him calm and relaxed.

Before too long Danielle stirs in her seat. She lets out a soft moan as she is coming to. “How was the nap D?” He asks.
“F-f-ine I guess, I had a strange dream, sort of” She stammered, still groggy. “Where are we?” She asked as she looked out the window. “Leaving Colorado heading north up the interstate,approaching the northeast exit in three miles” Martin said in his best announcer voice. “Ha ha you goof” Danielle snorted. “Christ! It’s almost 4 how long have I been asleep?” Danielle inquired.. “About three hours” Martin said as he looked at her. “I dont remember falling asleep” she confessed.

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