
Bunnies....Or Butterflies....

I hear a noise but don’t see anyone around. Everything is still and the forest is quiet except for my shouts for Ella. Where could she be? I walk over to a tree and sit down in despair. If I can ever find my little Ella….

Then there’s another noise. I know there’s something out there this time. Standing up I search all around me, then I see them. An old man with a gray beard is standing in front of me. Behind him a little boy peeks at me with wide brown eyes.

“Who are you?” The man asks me. I’m at a loss for words. He looks me in the eye. “Excuse me sir, who are you?” This time I find my voice.

“I’m T.J. Withors. My daughter…. My daughter Ella is gone. We were just picking blueberries. She ran after the bunny. Or maybe it was the butterfly.” I stop momentarily. “I can’t find her.”

“Mahid.” The little boy finally speaks into the man’s ear. He bends over and the child whispers something. A nod from the man, Mahid, makes the boy jump into the air. He takes my hand unexpectedly and leads me off…

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