
Bunk Beds

Bet you thought I died didn’t you?
Nope, still alive.Though where exactly I am alive I’m not so sure. I’m lying very still, eyes closed, pretending to still be unconscious. I appear to be lying on an extremely uncomfortable mattress. I’m lying on my side, which for some reason I find odd. Wherever I am is very quiet, but the smell is totally unbearable, so there must be Vampires near, and a lot of them.
I crack my eyes open and see Davincent, sitting across the room. He smiles pointedly (literally), “Nice to see you again, Fae.”
I sit up straight with the vague idea of trying to attack him and escape. Unfortunately when I sit up I smack my head on something very hard and wooden above me. I fall back onto the mattress groaning. “Bunk beds,” I mutter darkly.
He laughs a cold, clear laugh, “Yes indeed, bunk beds.”
My head still throbbing, I glance over at him. He’s watching me with an interest that makes me feel a bit like a fox being watched by a hound.
Ok, creepy thought, forgetting that…

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