
The laws of life

I have always wondered about people and laws of life. If there are laws of life do people follow them? Do they even know them? I have heard people say that their law of life is respect and that they respect their family and other people but I know that is not true because if respect were a law of life than people wouldn’t break into peoples houses and kidnap other families children for no reason other than greed. So Respect can’t be a law of life. I’ve heard the word trust come into conversations about the law of life but that can’t be right either because people don’t trust each other, they may say that they do but when it comes down to the end would you really trust even your best friend with your life, or with your children’s lives? My friends tell me that their laws of life are loyalty but nobody is really that loyal. Or loyal enough for that to be a law of life. Would your friends even your very best friend be loyal enough for you to place your whole life savings in their hands and then leave?

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