A little Hope
The song ends about 45 seconds after arrogant Eric and I get on the dance floor.
“Well, talk to you later Emma” he says, breaking away from me effortlessly.
“I’m Kelly.” I say to his back. He doesn’t turn around. Could he have made a simpler mistake? Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you said Kiley, or Kathy, or something else remotely close to my name!
I head to the bathroom, the only safe place for girls like me. As I look myself over in the mirror, hoping squinting doesn’t fail me here, I could swear I hear my name.
“I think that’s her name, anyway. I don’t know. It sucks, I was really thinking of hooking up with him, but I can just tell he is checking her out” a voice from the 3rd stall proclaims.
“You could always try for Eric. After he’s had a few more drinks” a voice from the 4th stall replies.
“I know, but Jeremy is just so cute” says number 3.
I’m freaking out! If he actually was checking me out enough that other girls saw, maybe my hopes aren’t crushed.