
When life gives you lemons....i suggest you ask what life wants in return!! (When life gives you lemons challenge)

OOOHHHHH …........

“When life gives you lemons….” My nan always used to remark. My common reply (not that she ever posed it as a question) was something along the lines of,

“Sell them and go buy lemonaide!!”

Where three year olds obtain such knowledge will forever amuse and confuse. Nan laughed. One day she laughed and died….talented woman. Thats the multi-tasking mum always goes on about.

Well the next weekend pop helped me set up a lemonaide store. I put on a little badge reading Hi, my name is Life.

A fellow walked up and asked how much for a cup.

“Well I’ll give you a lemon and you can do the rest. Can’t fight common language now can we?”

He read my badge and laughed.

I feel so privelaged to be able to answer nan’s question that isn’t a question with my lemonaide stall that doesn’t sell lemonaide.

Plus i made enough money for an ice cream for me and pop. Life has the right idea about giving out free lemons….maybe thats the answer to world peace?

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