
What I See.

Green. Blue. Brown. Hazel. Amber. Grey.

Cold. Warm. Laughing. Sparkling.

I’ve seen many eyes. I almost have to, where I work. Selling food 24/7, at a cash register in a store. I watch them go by, and don’t think anything more. Usually.

Her eyes were odd. They were intense. Green, with a hint of fire. She laughed. She made small talk.

She came back a week later.

It was gone. Her fire was out. She had the circles under her eyes that meant she hadn’t slept in a week. But worst of all, her eyes weren’t laughing anymore. They had a sign in the window, but I knew what they were doing in the back.

They were crying. She was so sad. I wanted to reach out right there and hold her, tell her to cry, that it was okay.

I wonder what her story was. I got the title from her eyes. I saw a book in that face, waiting to be written.

I wonder who will write it.

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