222 Ficlet Challenge. Catch 22.
222 ficlet challenge.
Ok, so I originally had a genre challenge but someone told me that was lame so I did a rewrite.
My challenge to you is this:
Write a ficlet about any kind of Catch 22 type situation.
If you don’t know,Catch 22 is something like this: In order to get out of fighting, you have to be insane, but you also have to file a report claiming you are insane.Any sane person would file a report and try to get out of it- so an insane person wouldn’t file, so even if you were insane, according to Catch 22,you wouldn’t leave anyway because you wouldn’t file a report.Anyone who files a report is instantly considered sane and disqualified.So nobody leaves.
So that was very confusing, but in other words, write a ficlet about a no-win situation. You can take more then one ficlet if you need to. You can refer to the actual Catch 22 situation if you want to.(If you don’t get my explanation, try looking it up. Wikipedia is a wonderful thing.)