
Mirror Challenge: My reflections.

I don’t see myself in a mirror. At least, not in the one that’s all shiny and shows my face.

I see it in others. I see it in the man next door, who is on his way to work. He looks like he’s in a hurry. Late for his 9 A.M meeting.

I see it in the woman in my line, buying her food. She’s just doing what everyone else is. She’s making it, day to day, doing what she needs to survive.

Where am I?

I’m in those people. When he drops his notes on the sidewalk on the way to catch his bus, and I stop and give them to him, I’m in that man. Later that day, he gives a presentation on a new air bag that could save thousands of lives.

When she has a million and one things on her mind and an unruly kid at the table, I bring her the food. I talk to her child, pay attention to him when no one else can or will.

Her child grows up to be a teacher to disadvantaged children who might not have a chance at a better life.

I’m not in the mirror. That’s not me.

I’m in everyone.

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