
A Weekend At the Lake

“Ugh! Dad, Why couldn’t we stay home for spring break? That’s what all my friends are doing.” I grumbled as I stepped out of the car onto the thick, sharp crabgrass.
“Because son, as a boy, my dad took me out to the old cabin every spring! I want you and the rest of the family to have that experience too!” My dad ranted cheerfully. I popped open the trunk of our Eurovan and pulled out my old gray mesh sack, which I had done my best to hide my ipod, psp, and laptop inside along with my clothes. I started walking towards the house, inhaling the fresh air in shallow breaths, because it was so different. I opened the door and peered inside, immediately noticing that there was no television. “This must be a joke.” I muttered to myself uneasily. From there it got worse. There was nothing electronic in the whole cabin. There wasn’t even a single electrical outlet. I opened the door to my room upstairs and sunlight streamed into the hallway. I tried to find the blinds but there weren’t any I hated the sun.

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