The Oder of LoA( Flute Faeries Nice Comment Challenge)
“This meeting will come to order,” the Honorable and esteemed, (often leaving comments longer than the stories commented on and learned comments at that), Grand Marshall Thx0477, said to the League of Awesomeness assembled.
Secretly the Grand One worried that the Crown Prince ( aka Evil Wizard Sir Kermitgorf) was planning a bloodless coup. But he told no one of his fears.
“Celestic23, for your encouraging and cheerful commentary, I award you the medal of awesomeness,” The Marshall said,
“Next up for an award for playing well with others, being involved in more series with fellow ficleteers, come up Never Explain and get your medal,” said the leader of the order.
“So many other worthy members, Mask by the Moon who comes up with great challenges and is very passionate in her comments, StovoHobo, the most prolific and Yoda on Crack and HobobeardBob for beng the funniest, Capital ‘W’ Writer for his long often quirky series and Tad Winslow and Ben Paddon for being what Ficlets is all about,” said THX .