oh god…write more? please?I love WW2 stories, being a freak like that…and this is awesomely written…[don’t let her die? pretty please?]LoA
Very exciting bit of WW2 , film noir sort of stuff. I loved the scoundrel line…very true to the time and genre.LoA
Very tense piece, fraught with so much suspense and emotion that I can’t help but follow someday_93’s lead and beg you to continue it. Pretty please with, um, a cherry on top and all that jazz? >;)LoA
Good stuff, although you call yourself pedantic and don’t even put an umlaut on Führer. It’s ok though, you can just copy mine. Good story!
Haha, alright, umlaut added!LoA
Wow, this was heavy, but really good. It reminds me of a movie or something.
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥
Russell Ruffino
flute faerie