Results of the Alternate Movie Ending Challenge!
With no further adieu, here are the winners of the Alternate Movie Ending Challenge!
Best-Ending in the Form of a Series and Best Dialogue go to uselessness and the Princess Bride series. (The uncanny depiction of the characters and their vocal peculiarities was absolutely brilliant!)
Best-Ending in the Form of a Single-Entry goes to Capital “W” Writer for Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi. (Tight, well-written, fluid. It was easy to visualize the scene in my mind.).
Best-Ending in the form of a Satire goes to Russell Ruffino for Death of a Franchise. (I love Spiderman, but I have always thought it peculiar that Peter Parker simply got into bed after being affected by the radioactive spider. LOL ).
Best-Horror-Ending goes to OrangeOreos for You Shall Not Take My Brain! (‘Arthur just screamed as the saw hit his forehead.’ Teehee.)
I enjoyed all the entries, thanks for participating in the challenge! Also, thank you for helping me fill my Netflix queue!