
Rest For Weary Travelers

Ten miles down the interstate, Danielle finds the exit to a few hotels. Thier names are listed under the exit marker.
“How you feeling, over there Martin?” She looks over..
“So far I feel better, I think the water helped” was his reply.

Danielle pulls the car into the parkinglot and instructs him to wait in the car for a few minutes, while she gets a room. She returns minutes later with a key. They drive to the back of the hotel and enter the building. Once they are in the building they locate the elevator and take it to the 5th floor.

Danielle leads Martin down the hallway, they find thier room, twoards the back on the right hand side. As they are walking they can hear the hum of flurescent lighting over head.
“Here we are 418” Danielle says with relief. She unlocks the door and turns on the light.

Martin walks toward the bed and leaves his suitcase on the floor. He then collapses on the bed and falls asleep almost instantly. Danielle, happy to be off the road, does the same.

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