Via I-M (26)
Kmartluvr: Yeah so I gave her that flower thing and then ya know..
Clueddude: ya know?
Kmartluvr:yeahh you know what comes next
Clueddude:haha!! Ma main Man!!
Kmartluvr: no not like that you perv
Clueddude:oh well you made it sound that way
Kmartluvr:nahh we just hooked up
Clueddude: so how was that?
Kmartluvr: You’re such a freakin’ reject! I’m not telling you, don’t you have your own girlfriend…shouldn’t she tell you how this stuff goes?
Clueddude:Dude! She really should…but I don’t give her time to talk.
Kmartluvr:Like I said, you’re a pervert!! What would Ava say if she heard you, man. I bet you two haven’t even kissed yet.
Clueddude:psshh of course we have!
Kmartluvr: Then why are you asking me what its like?
Clueddude: I dunno. You’re obviously the only guy around here who’s getting any action lately.
Kmartluvr: Why is something wrong with you and Ava?
Clueddude:nahh but she was like “Jason, let’s take a break”
Kmartluvr: Ahh man, it’ll be okay!