
Confessions of a Highschool Socalite

We were the not-so-in crowd. We were the group of kids that kept to ourselves. Other kids were intimdated by us. Their parents warned them about us.

We werent really that bad. We just a tight knit group of friends that had been together since preschool. So, mostly kids at school were jealous.. Jealous of our security and our loyalty. We would often catch some kinds try to stray from thier clique to be with us. Inspired by how close we were. Questioning their place among their friends.

We loved that. We loved that we made them think and question thier own beliefs. We made them feel insecure among their own clique. Some even leave thier clique in hopes they could be in ours. They soon learn that they are without a clique, vunerable for all of higschool to see. They made the leap of fath and fell flat on thier face. Hows that for gravity?

The five of us really aren’t mean. We just hang out at Anabelles house and drink wine. We joke around and gossip. What is all the fuss about?

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