
Defense against the modern world (Don't Get Defensive Challenge)

Evan and Lisa drive to thier lakehouse. From Portland, it was just an hour and a half drive. They both had very stressful and demanding jobs. Every once in a while they enjoyed the time to just get away.

The lakehouse was perfect for that. It was in a remote location. Almost like it was cut off by the rest of the world. To them, it was perfect. They could get away from thier daily lives, and just relax.

The lakehouse sat at the edge of a remote,densely wooded area. It faced the mouth of the river. Which was an enourmous body of water itself. If you look straight ahead you see this huge mountain. It was so tall and massive. It was like a tall shoulder of trees and foliage.

They loved this place, the two of them visited often. Especially in early spring, and mid summer. When their lives got to be too much they came here. this was their defense against the modern world. Here they could think, dream, re connect and just be. When they left this place of rest, they felt recharged and re inspired.

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