
happiness and promises, ripped away (so long)

the decision has been made, i cant hope anymore, youre lost to me, and my heart breaks with every moment i am not with you, do you choose him because your afraid of change? or is it because of me? i dont really care what the reason is, im afraid for your well being, i hope that i am wrong about him A.L.A, but the fear that im right is overwhelming, he hasnt changed, and he wont, no matter what he claims, but you already know how i feel on the subject, or so you think, the truth is, you dont
at the prom, i was going to give you the one thing that i could give you that actually meant something to me, the band that has been a part of my life for years, to comemorate the question that i was going to ask you i was going to ask you, on my knees, to be mine, and to let me be yours
ive dreamt about it for weeks now, imagined the look on your face, imagined the feeling i would get if you said yes…
it wont ever happen i dont feel angry, or sad, or anything, i feel empty, a hole the size of the sun in my heart

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