
Fyora's Orphanage 3 (My Babies)

These two are my favorites. I’m almost afraid to let anyone else try them.

Lanceus, the Prophet of Kencii (6347 – 8066) This story follows a prophet who, in his visions, lives for some time in other people’s life, until he can figure out what it is he needs to know and go back to tell the people who put their trust in him. Problem is, I don’t know what to have him find out next.

Genesis (19744 – 21225) This is one I’m definitely going to try to keep working on, I really love this story. It’s about a couple, living in the middle of an apocalypse. But it’s not the traditional apocalypse of getting blown up or hit with an asteroid, the asteroid just seriously messes up the tides and floods places just about nightly. But, since there is little or no TV or internet coming out of those places, no one really understands what’s going on, so she has to convince everyone, and see what they can do to work against it, if possible.

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