
Easter Weekend begins

Yaz, Travis, Denise, Trish, Rell & Dee were all walking taking a walk through town, after their morning classes.

“I’m so tired. I had a 8 am class this morning.” said Yaz.
“Oh no, Boo-Boo.” said Trish.
“I know, she woke me up, to escort her there.” said Travis.
“Well you are the boyfriend.” said Denise.
“Well where is your boyfriend anyway?” said Rell.
Everyone got quiet.
“He’s with Mystique.”
“What?!” said Yaz.
“Yeah, they spent all last week together, and probably this whole weekend too.” said Denise.
“What!” said Yaz.
“Oh no, I gotta talk to Mystique.”
” I need to find out what going on with her and Mikhael.”
“Why, he doesnt even pay attention to me anymore and I thought I was his girl.”
“You are his girl. You better fight for your man!” said Trish.
“Whatever” said Denise.

They all look across the street, to see Mystique and Mikhael walk out of a store. Just hugging as they walked.
Denise in shock, walked the opposite way leaving Trish to run across the street to talk with Mikhael

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