Via I-M (29)
Kmartluvr: So are you talking to ur ex now?
Clueddude: lol man, you’re an idiot! She’s still my girlfriend..she just said it..i asked her if this means she wants to break up and she said “no i love you jasonâ?
Kmartluvr: You’re sucha bad liar it’s sad.
Clueddude: i know i know, she’s ignoring me now..i think your girlfriend is making her hate me..
Kmartluvr: Shut up dude, my girlfriend’s away right now.
Clueddude:oh and why’s that?
Kmartluvr: none of your business!
Clueddude:oh of course, she’s probably in the bathroom.
Kmartluvr: Obviously, her away message says “I’m in the bathroomâ?…so it doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.
Kmartluvr: What?
Clueddude: She just told me that Tony asked her out today..
Kmartluvr: Oh dude, you’re toast!
Clueddude:hmm and why’s that?
Kmartluvr: Well, I heard a bunch of girls in the hallway on thursday and they were going on and on about how much of a “hottieâ? he is, and I believe ur not