

You don’t know me.
Really, you don’t.
So if you want to sit there.
&& pretend that you know every.
Minute detail about me.
Have fun.
Cause really.
You’re wrong.

You hear and say stuff.
Most, untrue.
But, hey.
Thats what most of our enviorment is.
All it really is are rumors.
Silly, little rumors that someone.
Someone who has the time.
To actually think of a rumor.
And then spread it around.
Get a life.

Listen to the way that people.
Criticize us all.
Criticize the way we act.
Criticize the people we hang out with.
Criticize everything.
So, next time you do somthing.
Even a little somthing that could.
Hurt someone on the inside.
Think twice.
Because it just might happen to you too.

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