
Laughing Fits.

Faith and Victoria were talking and giggling so much about this new guy, that when he finally came up to them, they were both too doubled over with laughter to say anything.

“Heyy. Are you guys okay?” he asked, looking at them like they were crazy. Which wasn’t that far off from them.

“Um… haa… yeahh.. We were just reminding ourselfs of a little inside joke from a while ago,” Victoria blundered. It was just about the lamest excuse she had ever heard. But it worked.

“Okayyyy. Well my name’s Ethan, if you ever need anything. See ya later.”

“Yeah you too,” managed Faith. “That was the most embarassing thing I’ve done in a long time. And you were right, he is pretty cute.”

Mia was walking back over to them, with a defeated look on her face. This was not gonna be fun.

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