
THX 0477 No Fear [challenge]

Every morning I wake up to the sound of clown laughter. The clowns’ hoots, whistles and chuckles jar me awake, and I always open my eyes grinning. The hysterical clock was a gift from my Aunt, and is my favorite possession.

My morning forecast usually includes awesomeness in the form of jeans and a button-up shirt, because I’m classy. This morning, I select a blueberry bagel from the menu. Dweezil, my ferret, refuses to eat bagels, because he is a fascist. He might be watching his figure, but I sincerely doubt it.

I work at an advertising agency, as the mascot for Krispy Quakes cereal. I draw the mascot, really, but I like wearing a homemade costume around the office. It adds some flavor. That might explain why I don’t have many coworker friends…

When I’m not in costume at work, I’m usually on Ficlets, which is where I am when I’m at home. Dweezil and I pen awesome Ficlets together, though he goes uncredited because he can’t read. I doubt that he really minds, though. He’s not usually very productive.

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