The Royal Blues
Surprisingly, it’s not all costume balls and sparkling tiaras, being a princess. Nope. Life can be boring and sad and dull, just as it can in the real world. I should know! I’m one, you see. A princess. My father is the king – he’s rich beyond all riches, and we live in an immense stone castle with thousands of rooms… I haven’t even seen them all.
I know, it seems ungrateful. To not be happy when I’ve got so much – teams of servants at my beck and call, treasuries full of ruby bracelets and diamond rings… but I can’t help the way I’m feeling. I feel flat, small, transparent, non-existent. Actually, I feel meaningless. All I do is sit around the castle drinking tea from dainty porcelain cups and talking to people – pompous people in stupid hats. There’s got to be more out there, that’s what I think. Life has to be more than this – just looking pretty, and learning French and embroidering cushions. I’d like to do something, see something, feel something. Before it’s too late…