
Macy 42: The Right One

“Oh my god! How did you know today was my birthday?” Macy screamed.

“Uh Shane told me.” Derrick replied.

But Macy had already paused though he tried to be inconspicuous. “When did you talk to Shane?”

“Uh yesterday. During third period.”

“Leave it to him to pick the one period I don’t have with you to talk.” Macy rolled her eyes, annoyed.

“Macy, cheer up! It’s your birthday.” Derrick squared her shoulders, looking her in the eyes; she loved that. It was the one thing that made her cave into something, besides his lips of course. So like icing on a cake, Derrick leaned in and kissed her lips, knowing that it was crossing her mind.

Macy kissed him back, running her tongue along the roof of his mouth. It was something about Derrick’s kisses that made her forget everything else. Maybe it was that certain sweet smell that filled her nostrils and increased her heartbeat. Or maybe it was just the fact that it was Derrick not Shane. Either way, Macy was sure that he was the right one.
For now.

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