The rise and fall of a teenage kiss butt.
Why do they hate me? It is not MY fault im brilliant. So yea, here I am sitting in math class minding my own business, when I get a note thrown at the back of my head. So I pick it up. It says:
You+my fist =pain
But for the sake of the story I think I should back up a bit. It all started when our teacher asked us to review yesterdays work which was how to balance an equation. No one but me answered the question so the teacher assigned everyone but me 5 pgs of equations to solve for homework. Now you cannot honestly tell me that is my fault! All of us knew the answer, but only I chose to raise my hand.
Thinking back on it now, it didnt really start in math class. It more likely began in English where everyone but me has to write a 4pg essay on the differences between a verb and a noun. Or maybe this feeling of dislike began in World History when I reminded our teacher of the pop quiz. Or mayb it could have been some other incident.
All I know for sure now is that I am defintely in trouble.