
Macy 47: Understatements

Journal Entry #1
Dear journal, it’s Macy. I’ve decided to actually write in you to make my gift givers happy. Well no. I really just wanted to write down my issues so it’ll be a secret.

1.Derrick has a pervert side. Ugh.
2.I still hate Shane. Forever and ever.
3.Macon is annoying. Right?
4.I like Macon.

No of course not. I don’t like Macon and…
Macy put down her pen as her cell phone vibrated. The screen flashed Derrick, but she didn’t really want to talk to him after yesterday’s dance and all. But still, she answered.

“Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry.” Derrick said hundreds of times till the one word melted together.

“It’s okay. You must have been drunk.” Macy told him, trying to calm his guilt.

“I drank the punch.”

“No wonder; never drink the punch.”

“I’ll try to remember that. So how was your night since I only remember you in the hall? Today is hangover central by the way, so I’m not leaving the house.”

“My night was…good I guess.”
But good is such an understatement.

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