
Not so flirty

Ethan turned around to see Faith walking toward him
“Oh hey, are you going to the art building too?” Ethan said as he turned his body as if he was prompting her to follow.
“Yeah, I wanna go check it out…you know, see all the work they put up in the gallery” Faith said

They started to walk together toward the art building.
“So you like art huh?”
“Well do you?”
“Yeah. Actually that’s why i’m heading over there right now. I want to submit my application so that they can put up some of my paintings”
“You paint?”
“Yeah I love it!”
Faith smiled, she had always wanted to date an artist.

“So do you do anything artistic?” Ethan asked her.
“Yeah..” She said, thinking about her amazing guitar skills.
“Well..? What is it?”
“Oh. I play the guitar.” Faith said, blushing.
“wow, Impressive! I’ve never met a girl who played the guitar.” Ethan said as they entered the art building.
“Well you’ve never met a girl like me” Faith said, surprised that she’d just said that. She wasn’t usually so flirty.

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