Abandonment P.1[Realization Challenge]
Ella approached the hospital doors. She pushed open one of the glass doors with her right arm, her left occupied. The waiting area was empty, vacant green armchairs and small white tables littered with ancient magazines stood watch against the night outside. The desk was empty, the orderly or security guard off on other, more important, business.
She walked toward it slowly. The only thing there was a computer monitor, quite new, facing the other direction. She paused and sighed. This wasn’t the emergency room, there was no button to call someone to assist you. Then again, this wasn’t exactly an emergency to anyone but her.
Her hands trembled as she lifted the baby carrier hanging from her left arm. She lifted the blanket and took a look inside at the pure little face, secure in sleep. She’d thought she could do it, thought she could handle it. As she looked at the little girl, the blue eyes opened. A sleepy, toothless smile spread across the chubby face.
She shook her head, how could she leave her?