
Gone girl hes gone

the words weve all been waiting for
hope everyones life is perfect without me in it
you make it abundantly clear that you dont love me, and that you were only looking for an escape apparently your subconcious knows something that you dont want to admit
i have decided to move on, and no im not lying like he did about moving
you say nothing can change your mind about him
well see
you say that you wont look for help when he does fail you
well, i hope you do, not to me, but to your friends, the people that actually care about you
ill go, dont you worry anymore about that, he bitches to you about something that he should settle with me, and you accept it, your loss
i dont enjoy watching your pain, but if i have to, then so be it, im pretty much numb to it after 16 years
i hope that when you grow up you realize what a mistake he is, its so plainly obvious to evryone else
in the meantime, i have my own path, maybe ours will intersect again one day, i hope u keep wrting, its the best part of you

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