Getting There [OTOC's Diary Challenge]
Dear Diary,
It’s getting better.
I just have this voice in my head now. That makes me sound a little insane, but I mean it. Whenever I have those thoughts, the bad ones, it goes You owe it to yourself! You owe it to your friends! You owe it to your family! An inner- guilt alarm-clock that chimes whenever it thinks I’m a danger to myself.
I’m still on the journey. I’m not there quite yet, but happiness- or maybe just peace with myself- is there in my future. It’s so vivid that I swear on my good days, I can taste it, feel it. But I can’t yet see it clearly. It’s there, waiting for me. Waiting for me to get better.
And while I’m not happy with where I’ve been emotionally, mentally; I know that everything I’ve experienced makes me who I am. Someday, in that beautiful, faraway future, I’ll look back and be glad. Glad that I was so sad for so long, so I could finally appreciate happiness when I got it.
Happy. I’m getting there.