
chasing a ghost

just like that my feelings for you vanish
looking back, i realize that you arent real
that i never touched you, never kissed you
never heard your voice, or looked into the depths of your eyes
you were just a dream, a fabrication of a mind that needed something to lock onto, something to love, you were just a ghost, one minute here and fullfilling my every desire, the next you were gone, leaving me with nothing but memories, which only made the loneliness worse
a mirage that talked, and thought and breathed, and made me happier than i thought possible, an oasis from the pain that filled my mind and body
i ran after you, trying to hold on to that feeling of happiness, i wanted to follow you to the end of the world, wherever that may be
i chased you as you tried to flee my mind, unwilling to let go because i thought you were happy with me
but i was all just a dream, and like a dream, all the feelings i felt for you dissappeared like smoke on the wind…

god damn it i suck at lying

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