
On Being Myself

Sometimes, the most intense battles I fight, are with myself. I fight with myself over all kinds of things, but the big thing is, who I’m supposed to be, who people expect me to be, who I want to be, and who I am.

Sometimes I find myself slipping into something other than who I am. I find myself sqeezing into a tiny shell, with rules and things I can and can’t do. Kind of a stereotype I guess. But when I do, I can’t breath. I need to let myself out. Because I’m not one stereotype.

People expect me to be different things, and if I try to be every person that they think I am, or think I should be, I will be going in several different directions. But I can only strech so far, until I break.

So what can I rely on? I have to be myself. It sounds like such an easy thing, until you actually go and try to do it. Well, at least for me. For some people it might be easy, I wouldn’t know, I’ve never actually been anyone but Camille.

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