
Always Afraid, Seldom Brave

fear is such a powerful thing, it can keep you from diong what you truly want, it can motivate entire countries into following a tyrant, and it can ruin all of your chances at happiness
bravery comes when you can accept the fear, understand what is there, what can happen, and then push thorugh it, there is no such thing as fearless, theres scared shitless, and then theres scared shitless but not letting it stop you
the willingness to step into the unknown, risking it all for that payoff that could make you happier than you could ever have imagined, that is bravery, that is admirable, that is amazing.
i thought that i had met someone that was that kind of person, someone who understood the risks but was willing to take a chance
i was wrong, and now i am doomed to a future of wondering what might have happened, what would have happened, what should have happened.
it takes a special kind of person to have that ability
it also takes a certain type of person to capitalize on that fear

no guilt, no shame

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