The Candle Mass
Down the side of the mountain, and just behind it, a river wound, flowing far into the wooded timberland. After a meal of sheatfish and a soup made from roots, Gereon showed Moondust to a room that overlooked the river behind the cabin.
Over the course of the next several weeks, Moondust learned much in the ways of candle making. Gereon instructed her on the manipulation of beeswax, the use of wax from insects, and how to use plants molded in leaves and tubes. She learned to make some candles from tallow and others from paraffin. By the time summer had passed, she was able to make candles of all shapes, sizes, and lengths, but she had not yet learned the art of enchanting or spellbinding a candle. Gereon insisted that she master the full art of chandlering before he would teach her the dark magic.