
is it love or wisdom

only now does the irony hit me,
i was protecting you because i saw you as myself
i saw you going through things that you shouldnt have had to go through, things that i have experienced, things that i wished somebody would have protected me from
i wanted to keep you from turning into me, someone who is bitter at the world because of the shit that its put me through, its not a good life to live, i wanted to be your savior, because id always wished i was strong enough to be my own, apparently im still too weak
with experience and age comes wisdom, and i hope that you will prove yourself to be stronger than me, and and are able to rescue yourself from a life where, when you look back you are shocked at how much you could have done, at how fast time went by, at how much you missed in your life because of decisions you made when you were much too young to make them, we may never know what could have happened, but that doesnt bother me as much as knowing what will happen, i cant bear to see you hurt
im so sorry

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